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5 Tier Rehabilitation Model

P1 Induction Programme :

Provides a supportive setting to enable clients to identify and remove any barriers that may affect their ability to participate within the programme.

P2 CE Recovery Prep Programme

Provides a day programme for participants to focus on their current recovery status and address any issues that they may be having regarding adjusting to their prescription levels or stabilizing their lifestyles. This programee supports individuals working towards community / residential detox.

P3 CE Drug Free Programme

Provides a day programme for participants who have recently become drug / alcohol free and are looking to develop the skills needed for a drug free and balanced lifestyle.

P4 CE ACE Programme

The After-Care CE programme will support participants looking to make the next step in their recovery process. The ACE programme is a mix of therapeutic group / one to one sessions and work placement.

P5 Peer-led Aftercare Support:

This is a weekly support group for past participants of Station1 to link with their peers in a supportive group setting. The group is peer led with the support of a member of staff.